News Story

Pacific Latter-day Saints Focus on Hearing and Following Christ in 2021

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pacific Area (Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and the island nations and territories of the South Pacific) will participate in a special meeting this Sunday (31 January) in their respective congregations, as they reflect on 2020 and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities of the new year. 

A short video featuring the Pacific Area Presidency of the Church, as well as several other Church members, will be shown in Pacific languages in each congregation across the South Pacific this Sunday.

Elder Ian S. Ardern, Elder K. Brett Nattress and Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita (the Pacific Area Presidency) have identified several key focus points for Church members to consider as they set goals for personal and family growth in 2021.

The “Area Focus” is titled, “Hear Him as you walk in the Light of Christ.”

The Pacific Area Seventy, Elder K. Brett Nattress, Elder Ian S. Ardern, and Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

Elder Ardern says, in the video, “The Saviour taught, ‘Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened.’ These three gospel imperatives are essential to hearing and feeling the voice of the Lord. We ask through prayer, we seek through study of scripture and the words of the prophets, and we knock through our obedience to the commandments.”

Learn more here.

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