News Release

New Video Series Encourages the Setting and Achieving of Goals

South Pacific Mormons focus on practical ways to strengthen faith, families and communities

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has launched a new video series entitled “SUP.”

SUP stands for the program’s main aims: “Strengthen, Unify and Prioritise.”


Late last year, the Pacific Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—Elder O. Vincent Haleck, Elder Craig A. Cardon and Elder Ian S. Ardern—shared with members of the Church a set of suggested objectives and priorities for individuals and families to consider personalising in their own homes and lives.

These objectives and priorities relate to strengthening individuals and families by increasing faith in God, His Son Jesus Christ and His Atonement. The counsel included honouring the Sabbath day each week, increasing spiritual and temporal self-reliance, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others, learning about our ancestors, and worshipping in Latter-day Saint temples.

To help Church members, including young people, become more actively engaged in these areas, the Church produced this new video series.

Three Kiwi panelists—Shayna, Nathan and Alyse—talk about ways that Latter-day Saints across the South Pacific can set and achieve worthwhile goals in their lives.

Learn more at and watch the first video in the series below.

Mormons believe that making and accomplishing good goals help you lead a happy and successful life.

Article by Newsroom contributor, Madison Houghton.

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